Think, Reminisce and Reflect
September 20, 2013
Motivation and Reward
October 4, 2013
Think, Reminisce and Reflect
September 20, 2013
Motivation and Reward
October 4, 2013

Steps to Personal Fulfillment

Last weekend I was blessed to spend time at a friends’ birthday party where I was able to chat with another friend for a couple of hours.  This friend is wheelchair bound due to sliding into home plate during a baseball game when he was 14 years old – he is now 56 years old.  This man is such an inspiration and it is always a blessing to spend time with him.  So this is for you my friend for when I read this anonymous poetry, it makes me think of you and your life….

Everybody knows:

You can’t be all things to all people

You can’t do all things at once

You can’t do things equally well

You can’t do all things better than everyone else—

Your humanity is showing, just like everyone else.


You have to find out who you are and be that

You have to decide what comes first and do that

You have to discover your strengths and use them

You have to learn not to compete with others—

Because no one else is in the business of “being you”.


You would have learned to accept your uniqueness

You would have learned to set priorities and make decisions

You would have learned to live with your limitations

You would have learned to give yourself the respect that is due—

And you will be a most vital mortal.

Dare to believe:

That you are a wonderful and unique person

That you are one in all a “history event”

That it is more than a right, it is your duty to be who you are

That life is not a problem to solve but a gift to unwrap

That you can stay on top of what used to get you down—

And achieve the impossible.

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” – John Maxwell

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