July 27, 2012

A Cheer for our Olympians

Today begins the 2012 Olympic Games in London and, for those team members who have worked so hard for years, what an exciting moment in time […]
July 22, 2012

Live Life Fully and with Grace

To honor those lives lost in Aurora, we are going to the movies today. We will not be scared and will not let the horrific act of […]
July 14, 2012

Friendship, Meditation and Addiction

We enter life with nothing more than hope and promise – and exit carrying the memories of our friends.  I am so fortunate that I get […]
July 9, 2012

A Life Out of Balance

A few days ago I was talking with a colleague about work and how difficult it is to take breaks.  Even on weekends, holidays and some […]
May 24, 2012

The Addict’s Front Row

There is a poem we have hanging in the lobby of our office that the majority of people who read it ask for a copy. It seems […]
May 19, 2012

Two Wolves

I was talking with a client the other day about his struggles to stay positive and see the beauty in his day-to-day life. He talked about […]