Go Along to Get Along
March 18, 2017
Employee Friendly
August 5, 2017Keeping Ahead of Your Own Curve

The idiom, ahead of the curve, literally refers to your position on the statistical bell curve, where the top of the curve represents the median, average result. By being ahead of the curve you represent the top percentile of results that either has the advanced skills or understanding that sets you apart.
What does it mean to be ahead of your own curve? Let’s consider this as being in competition with oneself. The comparison factor with others gives way to the intense focus on self and actions made in order to reach a self-determined goal. The ability to “grab ahold” of yourself such that you are in control and are hopeful of success allows for the full capacity of self to be present.
Two components must be present for one to be ahead of your own curve: (1) Having the ability to recognize the difference between necessity, something that you must have or do; versus opportunity, a good position/chance/prospect that is favorable for goal attainment (2) to be able to make a decision to pursue excellence by pushing oneself beyond what is thought capable.
What causes some of us to keep ahead of our curve and others to remain in competition with others? Might it have something to do with reinvention of self? Is it impacted by ambition? Maybe it merely is that there is no limit to the ways we can transform our lives if we are willing to do the work and take the risk.
Is keeping ahead of your own curve potentially about aptitude – the innate or acquired capacity for something – or merely talent? Every one of us can do more than we know! I’m a firm believer that if we take the time to look inside of ourselves, we will likely find a dream waiting to be brought to life.
Keep ahead of your own curve for it will serve you well regardless of the dream you are attempting to achieve. Ask yourself, and others, “what is your dream?” If you can say, “this is my dream, I’m living it,” than you are truly ahead of your own curve. If not, then it is time to stretch yourself as fully as possible. Time moves quickly. Please don’t wait for time to run out!
“The trouble is, you think you have time.” – Buddha