Feng Shui and Addictions
November 9, 2012
Rules to Live By
November 18, 2012
Feng Shui and Addictions
November 9, 2012
Rules to Live By
November 18, 2012

STOP the Voices PLEASE!

There are those nights when it seems impossible to sleep.  The voices in your head just keep talking and there is no apparent reason for that to be happening.  I have a particular client I am working with who has been struggling with her alcohol addiction who lately has reported that she can’t get her “mind to shut off”.  Regardless of the time of day, she has been obsessing and worrying about all sorts of things.  Most of those things have little importance in her day to day life yet are extremely disruptive to her day to day life.  Merely telling someone to stop worrying is about as good as trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon!  So how do we stop the voices?

Much depends on whether the voices are due to biological or situational concerns.  The former may require medication, the latter behavioral management.  Some simple ways to manage the voices may include:  meditation, mindfulness, staying in the present moment with your focus and other thought-stopping techniques.  Sometimes merely talking with family or friends will help to purge those darn voices.  Do something, take action, move away from the sounds in your head….those “doing” behaviors help tremendously.  We can all relate to this issue at some level.  We have all been there at one time or another.  It is awful when it is happening yet we all seem to move beyond it finally!  So here is to peace of mind, here is to quieting the voices, here is to your health!  May all your thoughts be encouraging and your days filled with contentment.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
– Helen Keller



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