Never say “Oops”
This saying is one of the best I have ever heard: “Never say ‘Oops’. Always say ‘Ah, interesting.'” Isn’t that just the greatest statement? So often we end up beating ourselves up over things out of our control. We need to allow ourselves to be human which means from time to time we will make mistakes. We also need to take responsibility when our actions have been purposeful.
One of my clients continues to be frustrated by other people who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. This client is consistent in “owning” his responsibility and struggles to understand what is going on when other people do not “own” theirs. In many ways I have to agree with him yet I also understand that self-delusion can be quite strong. When we open up to discover the “Ah, interesting” in our lives then healthy changes and personal growth happens. Opening up to discovery means that we see things clearly and are willing to work through challenges. Addictions offer us numerous challenges as well as the opportunity to embrace change and live fully. My client has been able to successfully meet that challenge due to hard work and perseverance. We all have the capacity to do so – will you embrace the “Ah, interesting” moments in your life?
“Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.”
– Jawaharal Nehru