Changed “For Good”
September 1, 2012
Addiction Recovery Commitment
September 14, 2012
Changed “For Good”
September 1, 2012
Addiction Recovery Commitment
September 14, 2012

Meditation and Addiction

Meditate means to reflect upon; ponder; to plan or intend in the mind; or to engage in contemplation.  Meditation helps to lighten your spirit and fills your soul with “stuff” worth being “filled with”!  Just as addiction can make ones’ life crazy, meditation can make ones’ life calmer.  It is through meditation that we are better able to cope with the stressors life throws at us on a daily basis.  Addicts need for things to change for them and meditation is one way we can help change to happen. First you must throw away any preconceived notions you may have about meditation.  Merely close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow your mind to clear…then just LISTEN!  Over time you will be amazed at what happens or doesn’t happen….that is just it, it doesn’t matter what happens.  Enjoy the peace, the calm, if only for a moment.  Allow the voice in your head to say, “I am full of healing and health.”  Do this daily, repeating the same message over and over until eventually you begin to feel better.  You will find your own insight and understanding and the meditation process will get easier.  You may find that you want to learn more about meditation and a quick internet search will provide tremendous amounts of information.  We hope you find that the desire for the substance begins to dissipate as well.  So be it!

Nothing happens until I make it happen.
 – Scott Wilson

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