Think Outside The Box
August 17, 2012
Changed “For Good”
September 1, 2012
Think Outside The Box
August 17, 2012
Changed “For Good”
September 1, 2012

School Children and Drugs

In my hometown the children will be starting back to school in two days!  All the parents I have spoken to are excited but it is a mixed bag from the childrens’ perspective.  The inevitable is going to happen regardless of their feelings.  We are hopeful this will be a fantastic year for teachers and students alike!

While watching the news yesterday there was a segment talking about students and drug use.  At some level I was shocked by the statistics but at another level had no surprise only  pure sadness.  The report stated that 1 in 4 (25%) of the students either have used drugs while at school or known someone who has used drugs at school.  I do not blame the school system for this behavior, in fact, I feel sorry for those professionals who have to try to teach drug impacted students.  These are professionals who spent years learning their trade only to be blamed when some student creates havoc in the classroom.  The responsibility fully rests with those students deciding to ingest the chemicals.  (Full disclosure here folks:  I come from a family of educators so have first hand knowledge of the dedication of teachers!)

Prevention via SUBSTANCE EDUCATION does work!  We MUST get the word out about the dangers of substances.  What people don’t know may kill them!  None of us ever want that to happen to anyone.  That is what we are trying to do with….will you all join us in the fight to save the children?

”A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.”
– Patricia Neal

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