Your Kick in the Pants
May 8, 2012
Two Wolves
May 19, 2012
Your Kick in the Pants
May 8, 2012
Two Wolves
May 19, 2012

The Addicted Child: A Parent’s Story

I have always been fascinated by people. It doesn’t really matter who it is—a famous movie star, infamous villain, or guy from across the street—I’m interested in all of their stories. A friend of mine recently called me a voyeur, but I like to think of myself as a “story listener.”

It’s probably not too surprising that I grew up to become a counselor. Throughout my professional years of counseling people, I have learned that there is something captivating about the unique lived stories of my clients. I get a small peek into their world—one that is sometimes dark and scary, but also full of surprises and hope.

Lately, I’ve been reading a few blogs written by the parents of addicted children. While each blog is unique in its own way, these touching and poignant blogs cover universal themes such as enabling, coping with hurt and disappointment after relapse, and keeping the hope alive that their child will have a bright future. When you have a moment, check them out.

And, to Tara and Terri—Keep blogging……..I’m listening!

A few that I’ve been reading include:

My Sweet Boy, the addict
by Tara Ewalt (

My Beautiful Son-The Addict
by Terri (

“Their story, yours and mine — it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other to respect our stories and learn from them. “
—William Carlos Williams

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